Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Little Mommy

The cold season has hit the Winters family. Jason has it now, I recently recovered and it all started with the little ones who are both better now. When I came down with a cold I realized Mommy's don't get breaks when they are sick. Dora the Explorer and Little Einsteins were on 24/7 as I tried to relax on the couch. One of my sick days Nevaeh came up to me gently rubbed my cheek, kissed me on the forehead and said...

Nevaeh: " You sick Mommy?"
Me: " Yes Baby, Mommy doesn't feel good."
Nevaeh: " I kiss it and make it all better Mommy."
Me: "Aw thanks honey, Mommy need medicine and rest."

Nevaeh ran into the other room, came back to cover me with a blanket and handed me a glass of water.

Nevaeh: "Here you go Mommy."
Me: "Thank you Nevaeh"
Nevaeh: " Ok Mommy, now we have to pray. God please make Mommy better, Amen.You better now Mommy?"

I couldn't say anything after that, all I could do was hug her. That's my little Mommy for you. She and Trinity were fighting over a stuffed animal about 15 minutes later but in that moment I was a proud Mom, feeling like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.

I am so blessed to have family and friends who have supported me in raising my kids to know and love the Lord. A good friend of mine once told me it takes a tribe to raise a child. In my case it's an amazing family, loyal friends and a blessed church family. I wouldn't be where I am, who I am, or have the kids I have if it weren't for all of you!


  1. that is a sweet story. our days off are not many but we make the best of it. GOD has blessed us dearly =)
