Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Campus by the Sea

Jason takes his youth group to and leads worship at Campus by the Sea on Catalina Island every year. We are blessed to be able to travel with him as a family every year! A typical day at camp looks like this...

Wake up
Main session
Quiet Time
Small group study
Group Game
Waterfront time ( 5 hours)
Main Session
Night game or campfire
Then bedtime at 11

I always have fun hanging out with the youth group kids, enjoying worship time and spending time with my kiddos.
I had fun looking through my old Catalina Pictures to see how my girls have grown...


The spea(ker this year was Jeremy Cook, he spoke 4 years ago when I was prego with Nevaeh. I am kind of the running joke at camp, being that this was my 3rd summer out of 5 summers, in my third trimester of pregnancy:)) Jeremy brought his family, his beautiful wife Janine and three children Dylan, Jericho and Gentry.

The girls and I enjoyed a lot of playground fun and waterfront time. They LOVED it!

Wednesday the group hiked into Avalon, a select few of us hitched a ride on a boat:)

We shopped, ate lunch, played on the playground and hung out at the teen center. At 2pm we headed back to camp to prepare for the infamous "Skit Night."

The MVCC kids were as crazy as ever with their "talents."

Over all it was a very fun week, a lot of work with two little ones but worth it. Next year we will be adding pictures of Baby Selah at camp!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness! Luke was an infant my first year at camp (and the cutest infant I have EVER seen to date) and Jericho was born like my third or fourth year. I didn't even know they'd ever had a third.

  2. I have no idea why I just wrote Luke when I fully meant Dylan. Especially since those names have nothing to do with one another.

  3. I miss CBS, sooo many good memories! I must say that not only have your darling kiddos gotten bigger...your photography skills have greatly improved...awesome pics!

  4. thanks Breanna, I noticed that too:) It's all about the camera:)We had a blast!
