Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I met with my OB and want to go on record for saying Dr. Vera Stuckey is the greatest OB in the world! She is 100% on board with a biopsy and personally called the surgeon immediately to get our order for the biopsy! She agreed it was ridiculous to wait and wants us to attack this straight on. I hope to hear from the surgeon today to get it scheduled ASAP. Baby is doing great! I've gained 2lbs, gotta be careful not to gain too much and end up with a giant baby. His/her heartbeat is 146. While still a little uneasy of the unknown I am excited that we have a plan.


  1. It is great to have a dr you love when you go through these things. i am praying for you and baby during all of this. thank you for sharing.

  2. Praying for you and your family during this time and for your growing little one. Love you all
