We had a check up today and it was GREAT! I know I have mentioned this before but I have to go on record again saying, I LOVE DR. STUCKEY! Selah is measuring normal and her heart beat is great. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced so the Dr. is encouraged that I am already showing signs of progress making my chances of a successful VBAC better. My blood pressure is great, on the lower side, and I am up 1 lb since my last appointment making my total weight gain so far 17lbs. (Staying withing my goal of between 15-20lbs) We have another check up Wednesday, hopefully I progress and Selah comes on her own. If not the plan is, depending on how far have dilated, to either break my water or strip the membranes on Monday the 25th to encourage labor. I don't have the option of a drug induced labor because of complications it can cause with my history of csections. So hopefully labor happens and progresses normally and doesn't result in cesection. PRAYERS APPRECIATED:)
So all in all it was a good check up, I am encouraged and excited to meet our baby girl!
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